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Reliable Mortgages

Reliable Mortgages is a private lender that offers residential mortgage financing with a focus on flexibility and customer-oriented service. They provide tailored financial solutions to homeowners and buyers, steering clear of rigid traditional lending criteria and focusing on the actual needs of the borrowers.

Key Points about Reliable Mortgages’ Services:

  • Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratios: Reliable Mortgages offers a maximum LTV of 80% for borrowers with good credit, while generally providing up to 75% LTV, offering robust financial leverage options for property financing.
  • Debt Service Ratios: The company does not enforce any GDS/TDS ratios, allowing greater borrowing freedom for individuals regardless of their debt or income levels.
  • Credit Score Flexibility: With no minimum beacon score requirements, Reliable Mortgages positions itself as a more accessible lender to a diverse pool of clients, including those with varying credit profiles.
  • Repayment Terms: All mortgages are structured as interest-only, affording borrowers the option to minimize their monthly payments. Borrowers also have the flexibility to make larger payments if they desire.
  • Loan Amounts and Terms: Loan amounts range from $20,000 to $4,000,000, providing a wide spectrum of financing options. Furthermore, all mortgages act as lines of credit (LOC), with no interest charged on unadvanced funds. They offer 1-year terms that are fully open, giving borrowers complete repayment flexibility.
  • Property Types Funded: Reliable Mortgages is open to considering financing for a broad range of properties, understanding that every borrower’s needs are unique.
  • Efficiency in Service: With fast processing times enabled by lending their own funds, Reliable Mortgages ensures quick responses to loan inquiries and applications.
  • Documentation Needed: A standard mortgage application, credit report, and appraisal are required. Additional documents like the purchase contract or strata documents may also apply, and specific requirements for appraisals can be provided upon request.

As a dedicated mortgage broker, I, Elvira, am here to support you in working with Reliable Mortgages to navigate the private lending landscape and secure the mortgage that suits your financial needs. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to refinance or a buyer in need of a purchase loan, my expertise, combined with Reliable Mortgages’ flexible approach, can pave the way to a solution catered to your scenario. If you’re considering a private mortgage and require seasoned assistance, contact me, Elvira, for personalized service and let’s explore your financing options together with Reliable Mortgages. Let’s put their solutions to work for you.